How Meal Planning Can Save Money and Improve Budgeting

Meal planning is an effective strategy for organizing your meals and managing your food budget. By planning meals in advance, you can make informed decisions about what to buy, leading to better financial management. Meal planning can save money by minimizing waste and helping you stick to your budget. The Financial Focused Perspective of Wasted … Read more

How to Start an eSports Team

"how to start an esports team for 2021?" text with man playing video games in background

Soul destroying fact: Almost every eSports team that’s a household name is a re-brand or mashup of previously existing teams. Team Liquid was a mashup with Team Curse. OG was a mashup with Team Secret. Fnatic literally bought or ‘acquired’ their original WoW, DotA, and DotA 2 teams. Same with Evil Geniuses. In short, the garage … Read more

How eSports Makes Money in 2021


eSports: Entertainment’s Fastest-Growing Niche eSports Revenues are expected to reach $1.598 billion globally by 2023.  eSports players make anywhere from $25,000 $85,000 per year. The industry as a whole has suffered some short term pain from COVID-19 event cancellations; however, most analysts are forecasting continued growth to overcome this temporary setback. Related Articles: Mark Cuban … Read more

The Mark Cuban eSports Experience


Mark Cuban eSports Overview: Around five years ago, the eSports community was certain of one thing: There would be a Mark Cuban League of Legends team by 2016. They were a bit off the mark, of course. Cuban instead became the owner of an NBA2K team and an eSports betting site. So one might think … Read more

How To Make Money on YouTube

person holding camera

Make Money on YouTube can it Be Done? The internet has given many people the opportunity to earn money by monetizing almost any talent or skill. However, just as with any money-making venture, many faulty opinions surround the most effective strategies. A lot of people believe that it’s extremely hard to make living on YouTube … Read more

Preparing Your Business Like Kobe

person holding up jenga tower

In the wake of Kobe Bryant’s untimely passing, many people are looking at the life, passion and successes Kobe had.  We want to refresh three areas of Kobe’s life that translate to professional life and entrepreneurial success.   Where this begins and ends is with one-word preparation. Preparation for your Business Kobe Bryant was handed God-given talent that … Read more

Entrepreneurship 101 for 2021

man in suit drinking coffee at table with laptop

Business startup (from now to selling) / Investment to do so When I get the opportunity to consult with businesses like these…I ask them all the same question: “What service are you providing the customer?”  That usually gets blank stares as they either do not know what I mean, or they believe the “product” is the service…it is … Read more